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My neighbor’s son had been in a lot of pain over the last 36 hours from
Sciatica. I asked him what level it was at and he said it was a 7 -
his face looked very tight and you could see in his eyes that even a
slight movement would make him wince. He couldn't even manage to put his
foot to the ground fully. After using the wand on 4 places for 2 minutes
each time he could walk around the room putting his weight on the floor
and he said his pain level was down to a 3! You could also tell the
difference in his face as when I left the house he was laughing with me
and he certainly was not like that when I arrived. Chris, UK
Fibromyalgia: pain
level 5 down to 2 also able to breathe without pain and ankle pain 4 down
to 1 Tennis Elbow: I wanded my elbow every day for about 3-5 minutes and after 6 days I noticed that I can now pick up heavy objects and my elbow no longer hurts. Lynne, WA Painful Knees: An older friend of ours had very painful knees. She met us the door after hobbling to get to open it. We observed her as she struggled to sit down in her chair because of the pain. She tried to get comfortable and by trying to raise her legs to rest on a pouf. She had to use both hands to lift each leg, groaning with pain as she did so. We started wanding and after about 5 to 7 minutes we stopped. She put her feet gingerly down to the floor and found that she had no pain at all. She could not believe that there was no pain as she stood up easily and started to walk. She kept walking, sitting down and standing up and even kept lightly pummelling under her knees to see if they would hurt. Next she walked straight out of the room and walked upstairs and down again, constantly saying ‘My God! I can’t believe it!’ Christina, UK Mouth pain: My next door neighbor Howard came home in the afternoon after spending an hour and a half in the dentist's chair, getting one tooth pulled. After the anesthetic wore off, he was experiencing a level 9 (of 10) pain. I told him I might be able to help with the pain and that I had a healing wand. Given the level of pain, he was not about to refuse any kind of help so I wanded his jaw for about 3 minutes twice, about 5 minutes apart. Afterwards I asked him how his jaw felt. He was silent for a moment, moving his lower jaw around, then said, "I hate to tell you this . . .", at which point I was set for disappointment, but he continued with, ". . . there's no pain! It's completely gone!" Needless to say, we were both elated with this success. Fred, WA Leg Pain: My neighbor Howard would also wake up 3 to 5 times a night with leg pain so bad he would have to get up to walk off the pain so he could get back to sleep. This had been going on for a long time, so I wanded the painful leg. When I talked to him the next morning he told me, very emotionally, that he slept the whole night through without getting up once. Also, the pain in his jaw was still gone, with no swelling, bleeding or discomfort. Howard now wants his own wand! Fred, WA Magnet
We just got our Amega magnetic bracelets and had our 12 year old daughter
try a bench press with 50 pounds, while her brothers spotted her. With
really bad form and a lot of squirming she finally got the bar pushed up.
We put the bracelet on her arm and she pushed the bar straight up about 3
times in a row without a lot of effort. We were all laughing and amazed
at how strong she got. Then I removed the bracelet and had her try it
again. This time her muscles were reaching failure and she couldn't even
get the bar half way. So I put the bracelet on her arm again, and away
she went, about 4 bench presses in a row. We repeated this about 5 times
and every time she had the bracelet on her arm, she got remarkable
stronger. Knee pain: I’ve had bad knees for about 7 years and after just 5 days of wanding, 5 minutes in the morning and at night, my knees are awesome! This week we took our kids to an indoor water-park, and I walked up 100 flights of stairs over and over again for about 3 hours on Tuesday and another 1.5 hours on Wednesday. The whole time my knees felt great. A year ago in May we went to the Great Wolf Lodge indoor water-park and my knees were killing me the whole time I was there. It was so painful by the end of the day to keep climbing those stairs that I was using the hand rail to get up them. This is a huge change in my life and I'm loving the new freedom. Lynne, WA Flexibility: My lower back started to hurt, so I asked my mom to wand it. I was sitting Indian style, slouched over in front of my mom's chair so she could wand my back. She starts wanding and after a minute I feel this pulsating feeling in my lower back; then I start to lean closer to my legs nosing closer and closer to the floor. I have never in my life been able to bend over enough to kiss my knee but after she was finished I could. I had more flexibility after 3 minutes; I was thinking "Oh My Gawad! I started to think "well what else can I do if I wand my legs." Let me clarify, I have never been able to spread my legs in a seated split and stretch over and touch my toes or hold my foot. I wanded my thighs, and my mom was witness to this, I stretched over and held my foot with my leg straight out. I was so shocked it was not even funny! Molly, LA M.S. pain: I have been taking Vicodin every 4-5 hours for pain from M.S, and after just a few days of using the wand I only need to take medication every 12 hours. Also the pain in my feet that was also causing balance problems is gone after just 3 minutes of wanding the first day. Randy, MO Frozen Shoulder: I have had a bad shoulder for the last 2 years, and it was interrupting my golf game. I used the wand for about 5 minutes and most of the pain was gone and my flexibility came back. After about 5 more minutes, there wasn’t any pain at all and I have complete mobility in my shoulder again. Dr. Bob, family practice, MO Bracelet Testimonial: My husband and I got our bracelets and pendants this last week, and we've been wearing the pendants 24/7 and love them. The bracelets increase your circulation about 3 times faster without increasing heart rate. That means more oxygen to the blood and an increase in strength and energy. We decided to do a strength test with my 12 year old daughter and the bracelet. We took her outside to the weight bench and loaded 50 pounds on a bar bell and had her attempt to do a chest press while her brothers spotted her. With really bad form and a lot of squirming she finally got the bar pushed up but she couldn't do any more than that. We put the bracelet on her arm and she pushed the bar straight up about 3 times in a row without a lot of effort. We were all laughing and amazed at how strong she got. Then I removed the bracelet and had her try it again. This time her muscles were reaching failure and she couldn't even get the bar half way. So I put the bracelet on her arm again, and away she went, about 4 bench presses in a row. Again, off with the bracelet and she could hardly budge the bar by now. It was so funny to see her immediately have strength. What an amazing test. Lynne, WA Finger
I jammed my finger at work a little over
a year ago, which resulted in a pain level of 4 to 6 depending on use. I
could not close my fist all the way. Two or three times a day I would
have to pop it because it would lock up. TWO minutes with the wand and
the pain went away for several hours. I wanded it 3 or 4 times the next
couple days and it is completely flexible and pain free. Randell, Alaska
Toe Pain: I went to get my hair done today and told my hairdresser about the wand. She shared with me that she had a really painful toe that was bugging her and it was hard to walk around. So we sat down and I wanded her toe for about 3 minutes. She stood up and walked around, then put her shoes back on and said the pain was completely gone. She was so surprised and kept saying it was hard to believe. Lynne, WA Afib: I suffer from a condition called atrial fibrillation. It is really bothersome and can be scary when your heart feels like it is going to jump out of your chest. I've had this condition for about a year and a half and have episodes almost every day. When I got the wand I didn't have to wait long to try it, as my heart went into afib that night. So I began to wand myself in the chest area, but it didn't seem to be doing anything after a few minutes so in frustration I tapped it against my chest just under my collar bone, and to my surprise the irregular heart beat stopped immediately! Now that wasn't too unusual as it usually does stop quickly like that, but was it just a coincidence? Well it happened again that same night, so I wanded for a while and again nothing happened so I tapped my chest with the wand and to my great surprise it immediately stopped the irregular beat. I'm not sure how much the bio-energenic bracelet I'm also wearing is helping compared to the wand, but they are certainly helping as my episodes are a lot less frequent and much milder and shorter in duration. I will continue to wand frequently and monitor the results. Dave, New Jersey Back/Rib pain: Years ago I had to experiment with sleeping systems and a new problem arose in the rib behind the shoulder blade, and when it hit, the pain was bad. To get rid of it took a sequence of events to perform. First I would apply damp heat and then lie down on the floor and try to relax and if everything was just right, it would snap in. Recently I had to go in to the Royal Columbian Hospital for a heart catheterization and the procedure involved 5 hours of laying flat on my back, but the mattress was a good one so I thought I got away with it. But I didn't. The next morning the pain behind my left shoulder blade was the worst this particular problem has ever been. So I taped the wand to a plastic clothes hanger and wanded my back. I got immediate relief! So I gave this attention for about three hours, with each wanding being less tha n a minute. I did'nt even have to do the procedure to snap it back in, it just went away! Dennis, Canada